The Associazione Formaggi Storici della Campagna Romana (Association of Historical Cheeses of the Roman Countryside) is a no-profit association located in Via Giovanni Gregorio Mendel 151, Rome, Italy.

Objective of the Association is the valorisation of the traditional cheese products of the Roman Countryside. To achieve this objective, The Association will:
promote and organise initiatives, both in Italy and abroad, aimed at valorising and making the origins, peculiarities and gastronomic values of the traditional products of the Roman Countryside known, in order to favour consumption and marketing, both nationally and internationally, through events’ management, participation to exhibitions and other economical initiatives relevant to the objectives of the Association;
define common quality rules and the eventual recognition of the product at European level;
promote studies and research aimed at solving particular market, economical and technical matters;
manage a control system of minimum requirements that Members must achieve, according to their professional category;
promote and propose a quality improvement system to its Members on a voluntary basis;
offer assistance to its Members in product marketing and raw material purchasing, as well as whatsoever is required, by introducing ad hoc internal regulations;
search for all available funds for the Association itself and its Members, in accordance to the objectives of the Association;
pursue anything else that might be useful or in accordance with the achievement of the objectives of the Association.

All farms and dairies, either artisanal or co-operatives, interested in the production, marketing and valorisation of traditional Roman cheeses may join the Association, as well as any other association, Public Institution, Consortium, professional order and citizen identifying themselves with the objectives of the Association.

Membership is divided into:
Founding Members: the producers of traditional Roman cheeses signing the constitutive act of the Association;
Ordinary Members: the producers of traditional Roman cheeses joining the Association after the date of the constitutive act;
Supporting Members: any other person or institution joining the Association after the date of the constitutive act and interested in promoting the traditional cheese of the Roman Countryside.
Founding and Ordinary members have the right of one vote, whereas Supporting Members are not entitled to vote.

Boards of the Association are:
the Assembly
the Board of Directors or Sole Director
the Board of Auditors

The Assembly
The ordinary Assembly of the Association is constituted by all Founding and Ordinary Members. The Assembly is called by the Board of Directors or Sole Director and must be called, in any case, when there is a written request by one third of the members and a list of matters to be discussed.

The Board of Directors or Sole Director
The Association is administrated by a Board of Directors composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, or of a Sole Director, appointed by the Assembly. The members of the Board remain in charge for an indefinite time, except for annulment of appointment and resignation. The Board of Directors is chaired by a President, who is entitled to call a meeting as he feels necessary. In the case of equality in votes, the President’s vote prevails. The Board of Directors is entrusted with the following powers:
administration and management of the Association and, in particular, the accomplishment of all ordinary and extraordinary administrative acts;
preparation of annual financial statements, final balance and report on activities undertaken;
determination of annual and monthly membership fees;
drawing up of internal regulations;
decision on admission of new members and termination and suspension of membership;
wording proposals to the ordinary and extraordinary Assembly, according to specific competences.

The Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors can by appointed by the ordinary Assembly at its discretion. The Board of Auditors overlooks administration, bookkeeping and accountancy operations. It also draws up an annual report on the final balance for the Board of Directors or the Sole Director.
the association


Salone del Gusto 2022

Turin, 22-26 September 2022


Cheese 2019

Bra, 20-23 September 2019


Salone del Gusto di Torino

20-24 September 2018